Some symphony work goes alongside the fanfare sound effects to help make the inspiring pieces we love in super hero movies. The Music: I know a soundtrack for a Marvel movie is not the most noticeable feature, but much like the first film it's got attitude, beats, and some layers to it. It's grimy and viscous, and has the sinew of the tendrils that offers a little more of the nightmare that Carnage is known for, including his devilish bladed arms.
When Carnage appears, that chaotic redness is not quite a vivid as the comics, but definitely has the blood element and chaos of the malicious symbiote. The movement is fluid, it goes super well during the movement pieces, and the tendrils acting out the comedy moments are awesome. Tight forms, great fluidity of the black ooze that makes him up, and those sensational teeth are perfect for bringing him to life. I'll give them props on their design for making the symbiotes come to life, Sony's latest dive into Venom's creation is very good.